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Intra means ‘Inside’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Intra vires means ‘Within the powers’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Ipso facto means ‘By that very fact or act’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Locus in quo means ‘The place in which’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Male Parta Male Dilabuntur means ‘What has been wrongly gained is wrongly lost.’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Mens rea means ‘A guilty mind’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Modus operandi means ‘A particular way of doing something’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Nemo Sine Vitio Est means ‘No one is without fault’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Non est factum (suum) means ‘It is not my deed’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Obiter dictum means ‘A remark in passing’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Omnes Una Manet Nox means ‘One night awaits everyone’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift


Omnia Vincit Omnia means ‘Law conquers all’


Great Mug to buy for oneself or to give as a present or as a thank you gift