Cookie Policy

How do we use Cookies?

A “cookie” is a small text file that is placed on a device when it is browsing a website to enable the host of the website to store information about use of the website by that device. Law Moments uses cookies and similar technologies for the following key purposes:

  • To recognise your computer or device and greet you each time you visit our website, without bothering you with a request to register or log-in,
  • To keep track of products or services you view, so that we or other member of The Warehouse Group can send you news about those products or services or other similar or related products or services that we think you may be interested in,
  • To measure traffic patterns, to determine which areas of our websites have been visited, and to measure transaction patterns in the aggregate,
  • To research our users’ habits so that we can improve our online products and services,
  • To operate our websites efficiently with a high level of functionality,
  • To measure the effectiveness of our marketing initiatives,
  • To learn about customer preferences so that we can present customers with web content and advertising that is relevant to them,
  • To measure the number of advertising referrals we have received to our websites from other websites,
  • To produce data on web traffic and customer web activity through our website.

While we use cookies to improve our customers’ on-line experience, if you do not wish to allow cookies then you can choose to disable cookies (for all sites) from within your browser settings.

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We are always striving for perfection at and aim to make all our customers 100% happy with their order.

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